Thursday, October 27, 2011

10-27-11 Impact results and thoughts

Coverage and thoughts on the October 27, 2011 episode of Impact

The show starts with the new TNA World Champion James Storm coming to the ring with a new theme entrance and tron video. He talks about how he fought 15 years to become World Champion after deciding to become a wrestler when he watched WrestleMania 3 with his father. He then mentions that he would not be here without the fans and he asks the rest of Fortune to come to the ring. They come out and Storm thanks them all, especially Roode and he says that they’re the reason that the company is starting to turn around. Samoa Joe comes to the ring and mentions that Roode lost his chance at becoming World Champion at BFG. Storm then tells Joe that his window of opportunity closed a long time ago and that he hasn’t done anything to earn a title match. Sting then comes out and announces Bobby Roode vs. Samoa Joe for tonight and the winner will face James Storm for the World Title next week. This was a good opening segment and WAY shorter than last week’s. I thought they all cut good promos.

Christopher Daniels is backstage saying he never quit and that AJ had an audio of Daniels’ voice and he says he will show how good he is when he faces “Bob Van Dam.”

Rob Van Dam vs. Christopher Daniels. RVD wins by DQ when Daniels hits him with a tool box. AJ Styles was on commentary. After the match Daniels takes a screwdriver out of the tool box and AJ left announce table and ran Daniels off. This was a good back and forth match.

Gail Kim, Madison Rayne, Traci Brooks & Karen Jarrett come out and Gail talks about how she left “the other company” and that she is better than the other knockouts and she brags about giving Velvet Sky a concussion last week. Karen mentions that as a returning gift, she has given her a Knockouts Title match against Velvet Sky at Turning Point. Tara then comes out for their match.

Tara vs. Gail Kim. Gail gets the pin. This was a solid match. The promo from Kim was good too.

Jeff Hardy backstage saying he is officially back and his first match back will be with Bully Ray and tonight is a test to see if he can still go.

Ric Flair & Eric Bischoff are backstage and they walk by Robbie E and blow off his asking for a TV Title match (even though he has that next). Flair tells Eric to give his son “tough love.” Boring!

TV Champion Eric Young vs. Robbie E. Young gets the pin. This was a real short match. After the match Robbie E & Rob Terry attack Young. Young then gets the mic and says that he is not the brightest decision maker, but that in Macon, GA next week Robbie E & Rob Terry should watch their backs because Ronnie from Jersey Shore will be at Young’s side. Oh joy. This was idiotic!

Christopher Daniels is backstage on his cell phone and asks for a title match. Kazarian comes and tells him the stuff with him and AJ has to end. Daniels says that they’ll work it out.

Bully Ray promo backstage talking about how he and Jeff Hardy made history and that his first night back could be his last.

Garrett Bischoff promo backstage saying that his dad had him brainwashed. They show a video package of him refereeing and “missing” spots. Whatever! This was a waste!

Eric Bischoff comes to the ring and tells his son Garrett to come out. He comes out and Eric tells him about the opportunities that Garrett has gotten from being brought up in the wrestling business that most wrestlers don’t get. Eric brings up how he was backstage with him in the AWA and he tells Garrett to apologize to him by the end of the night. Garrett tries to speak but Eric doesn’t let him and calls his son a punk and a prick. This was painful! Why are we being subjected to a Battle of the Bischoffs? NO ONE WANTS TO SEE THIS!

Ric Flair is backstage saying Garrett is an ungrateful kid living in his dad’s shadow and he’s going to find him and teach him about respect.

Ric Flair is backstage with Garrett Bischoff telling him that he should apologize to his dad. This is stupid!

Jeff Jarrett comes to the ring and rants about Jeff Hardy and mentions that what the video package left out something that the fans and even Jeff Hardy might not remember (I remember). He mentions how Hardy no showed a Turning Point PPV back in 2006. Hardy then comes to the ring and they go at it and security breaks it up. Bully Ray comes out and attacks Hardy leading to the next match.

Jeff Hardy vs. Bully Ray. Jeff gets the pin. After the match Christie Hemme interviews Hardy at ringside. Hardy welcomes the fans back into his life and then Jeff Jarrett ran in through the crowd and went after Hardy. Ray tells Jarrett to throw Hardy back in the ring. Jarrett gets a table and they go to super bomb Hardy but Ken Anderson’s music hits and he comes out to make the save for Hardy. Why does the guy’s music have to hit before he comes out? This was a good match and the post match attack was decent.

Bobby Roode promo backstage saying that tonight he has another chance for a title match if he can beat Samoa Joe. Good promo.

Bobby Roode (who also has a new theme and tron) vs. Samoa Joe for a TNA World Title match. Roode gets the pin. This was a good back and forth match. After the match James Storm comes out on the stage and he and Roode have a stare down and then hold up their hands doing the Fortune symbol. They really rushed the Storm-Roode match.

Eric Bischoff is backstage saying that he is looking forward to giving his son some “tough love.” I’m tired of this guy!

Eric Bischoff comes back out (yay) and tells Garrett to come to the ring again and asks for an apology. Garrett comes back out and refuses. Ric Flair then comes out and gets in Garrett’s face and asks what he thinks he’s doing and he tells Garrett to apologize. Garrett shoves Flair and then Flair attacks him. Eric then gives his son a low blow and he and Flair double team Garrett and Flair stomps on him in the corner. Flair & Eric then hug. This makes no sense. Not that want to see him, but where was Hulk Hogan to even the odds? Where was Sting? How come he didn’t bother coming out?

I thought on the whole that this show was a mixed bag. There were some good matches on the show but the booking made no sense. Typical TNA. The Roode-Joe match was good and so was Hardy-Ray. I also liked the opening segment with Fortune & Samoa Joe. The rest of the show was hit and miss.

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