Friday, September 21, 2012

9-21-12 Smackdown results and thoughts

Coverage and thoughts on the September 21, 2012 episode of Smackdown

 The show starts with Edge coming out. He says that it was 18 months ago that he had to retire. He then says that wondered what he will do now since wrestling is all he’s ever done and is all that he’s ever wanted to do. He says that he’s been at home and has started watching WWE again as a fan rather than as a performer He then says that he has seen a lot of crazy things in his career but he’s never seen anything like this They reshow Kane & Daniel Bryan arguing over which 1 of them is the tag team champions/hug out from Raw. Then Edge says that he knows he’s been away for awhile but can someone explain to him how Kane & Daniel managed to become “BBFs”. More importantly how’d they become tag champions? Edge says that he himself is a 12 time tag team champion and that he knows what it takes Then Daniel Bryan comes out. He wanted to correct Edge on his usage of pronouns. That’s because “they” did not become tag team champions. Daniel then gets in Edge’s face and says that he is the tag team champions. He screams that a few times while holding the belt up. Edge tells Daniel this is what he’s talking about. Edge says that the whole is trying to get a rise out of Daniel and he’s off in his own little world and completely oblivious. He asks Daniel how he pulled this off. Daniel says easily. He says that he’s in control of himself. Then he says that he is an anchor, a rock and (after a deep breath) is one with his emotions. Then he tells Edge to go back to acting and back to retirement. Daniel says that there isn’t anything that Edge of the fans can do to make him snap. Edge says that his intention wasn’t to make Daniel snap but now that Daniel mentioned it, it does kind of sound like a challenge. Daniel says it doesn’t. Then Edge says it does. Then they go back and for a bit with Edge saying, “Yes it does” and Daniel saying, “No it doesn’t.” Then Edge keeps saying yes and Daniel keeps saying no. Then Edge says to the fans that this is fun. Then Kane comes out. He says Edge & Daniel are both wrong because he is the tag team champions. Then Kane & Daniel scream to each other, “I am the tag team champions.” Then Edge loses it and Kane says that Edge seems kind of angry. Daniel tells Edge to take it easy. Then Kane tells Edge that Dr. Shelby has some great relaxation exercises Edge flips out a bit. Then he mentions that Kane & Daniel have tortured each other for weeks. Edge mentions that they stole each other’s girlfriends (They both had the same one) and then beat on each other night after night. Edge says that he gets Daniel being at 1 with himself. Then he tells Kane that he isn’t Barney the big red Dinosaur (That was really funny). He tells Kane that he is the big red machine. Then Edge talks about his rivalries with Kane. He mentions that he stole Kane’s wife and then Kane broke up Edge’s wedding with his (Kane’s) ex wife by Tombstoning a Priest. Then Edge mentions that he tortured Kane’s dad (Paul Bearer) and that he threw pizza on Bearer’s face. Edge says that he & Kane have tortured each other (And the fans too for that matter). Edge asks Kane if he remembers any of that. Kane says he remembers all of it. Then Kane says that he thinks he needs to rectify that situation right now. Then Edge takes his jacket off and Kane puts arms out. Edge has this puzzled look and then Kane hugs Edge. Edge has great facial expression here. Then Daniel screams no and the fans chant yes. Then Edge & Kane invite Daniel over for a group hug. Daniel puts his arms out but before they can hug Damien Sandow comes out. He says that he is here to help everyone. He says that for the past fort night this very serial has been plagued by these sophomoric and tasteless operetta of these 2 miscreants. The shame and humiliation emanating between those ropes as these combatants attempt to hug it out is a complete abomination. Then he says that the half wit fans are all lapping this up the way that a parched street K-9 laps at a feces infested puddle. He says this proves how far this enterprise has fallen. Then he was going to say more but Edge tells him to shut up Edge says that he can watch Kane & Daniel hug it out for the whole show but after hearing Sandow speak for 30 seconds he has to swallow his own barf. Then Edge tells Sandow that if he wants to something about this then why not get in the ring and take on Kane or Daniel. Sandow then says that he is a thinking man and does not resort to measures of physical means. Edge asks the fans what they want to see. They of course cheer for Sandow to come to the ring and face Kane or Daniel. Sandow says their opinion doesn’t count. Edge then asks the fans if Sandow should Face Daniel or Kane. Kane gets the overwhelming response. Then Edge says Kane and the fans chant yes. Then he says Daniel Bryan and the fans chant no. He goes back and forth with that for a bit as Sandow screams for Edge to cut it out. (Then during the break Booker T shows up on the Tron. He says that Sandow will face Kane.) I’m not sure why they had Booker come on during the break but this segment was hilarious! I loved the interaction with Kane, Daniel & Edge. They were all really funny here and they played well off each other. The part with Sandow was funny too. These guys all did a really good job with this promo.

WWE Tag Team Champion Kane vs. Damien Sandow. Sandow gets the pin after Daniel distracts Kane. Daniel held up both tag titles and shouted that he is the tag team champions. Then Daniel gets up on the apron and he & Kane argue again. Then Kane goes to snatch the belts out of Daniel’s hands. Sandow capitalized on that and hit the neck breaker for the win. Then Daniel backs up the ramp holding both belts saying that he is the tag team champions. Kane is in the ring all outraged. The match wasn’t much. This was mostly about the friction Kane & Daniel have with each other but I thought this and the opening promo were really entertaining.

Backstage Kane is looking for Daniel Bryan. Then he runs into Dr. Shelby. Kane asks him where Daniel is. Shelby says that he knows Kane is upset, “But let’s calm down.” Kane then says that Daniel cost him his match with Sandow and he took Kane’s tag title. Then Kane tells Shelby that if Daniel doesn’t give it back then he will tear that beard off of his goat face strand by strand. Then Daniel pops out of a box and says that he doesn’t have a goat face. Then he gets out of the box and gets in Kane’s face. Kane says, “Do too and Daniel says, “Do not”. Then Daniels calls Kane a big red freak. Then they go back and forth between that and goat face. Then Shelby flips out and tells them to quit it. Shelby says they’ve made a lot of progress and he thinks they can solve this with a trust exercise. Then Shelby asks Kane if he promises not to rip Daniel’s beard off if Daniel gives him back his tag team title. Kane says yes. Then Shelby asks Daniel if he would like it if Kane did not rip his beard off his face. Daniel says yes. Then Daniel gets the tag titles and hands Kane his. Kane snatches it. Then Kane says that there is still an issue of Daniel purposely causing him to lose. Then Shelby asks Kane would it make him feel better if he talked to Booker T and Daniel also competes in a match tonight. Kane says it might. Then Kane hold up the tag title, gets in Daniel’s face and says that he is the tag team champions. Then Kane walks off. Daniel was pissed but Shelby prevented him from going after Kane. This was a bit hokier than the in ring segment but it was still comical. Having Kane & Daniel argue like 2 school boys is idiotic but they both play the roles really well.

They show still shots of the Sheamus-Alberto Del Rio match from Night of Champions and mention that the Brogue Kick was reinstated.

Del Rio is in the GM office holding a copy of Booker T’s autobiography. Then Booker comes in and asks Del Rio what he’s doing there. Del Rio says that he was waiting for Booker so that Booker doesn’t go anywhere like he did last Sunday. He calls Booker a coward. Then he asks Booker what he was thinking when he reinstated the Brogue Kick. Del Rio says that Booker made him lose. Booker says that he was thinking his investigation was complete. Booker admits that the Brogue Kick is devastating but legal. Then he says that if Del Rio doesn’t want to get hurt then maybe he should keep his nose out of Sheamus’ business. Del Rio complains that Booker made the kick legal right before his match. Del Rio says that’s not fair. Booker says he can understand that maybe it wasn’t fair. Booker says he feels bad about that. Then Del Rio asks if that means Booker will give him another title match. Booker says no. Then Booker tells Del Rio that if wants another title match then he needs to earn it. Then Booker says that tonight is Del Rio’s lucky night because he will have a chance to do that when he teams up with Dolph as they will face Sheamus & Randy Orton. Del Rio tells Booker this is not over. Booker says it is “dawg.”  Before Del Rio walks out he waves Booker’s book in his face and then throws it. This segment was decent. I’m not sure why Booker told Del Rio about the tag match when it was announced at the start of the show but I was ok with this bit.

Eve is on commentary for the next match.

Divas Champion Layla vs. Natalya. Layla gets the pin. This was a squash. Poor Natalya. She deserves better just like Beth Phoenix does.

World Champion Sheamus & Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio & Dolph Ziggler. Sheamus & Orton win when Sheamus pins Dolph. This was a good match. All 4 guys were in the ring. Del Rio was going for the cross arm breaker on Sheamus. Sheamus pushed Del Rio into & Orton gave Del Rio an RKO. Then Vickie slid Dolph the Money in the Bank case but Sheamus hit Dolph with the Brogue Kick for the win.

WWE Tag Team Champion Daniel Bryan vs. Cody Rhodes. Cody gets the pin. Daniel was about get the No lock on Cody but then Kane’s pyro went off and he came out. Daniel gets distracted by this and then Cody hit cross Rhodes for the win. Kane laughs it up on the stage while is in the ring aggravated.

Daniel Bryan is backstage looking for Kane. Kane comes by and is still laughing. Daniel asks him, “What was that?” Kane says he has no idea what Daniel is talking about. Then Daniels says that Kane didn’t do anything wrong and is completely innocent, except for the part where he royally screwed Daniel over by setting off his pyro at the most important part of the whole match. Then Kane says that after what Daniel did to him in his match with Sandow now they’re even. Then Daniel says that Kane is bitter because Daniel is the better singles competitor. Then Daniel tells Kane that he couldn’t compete his way out of an arena basement. Daniel says that is where Kane belongs. Kane then tells Daniel that he belongs in a petting zoo. Then they argue again and Daniel says that Kane belongs in a basement petting zoo (That was a weird line). Then Kane & Daniel turn to whoever’s standing there watching. Daniel asks what the 2 of them are looking at. The camera shows Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow. Cody says that this spectacle proves that Kane & Daniel being tag team champions is a joke. Then Sandow says that it looks like this trivial experiment is about to come to a combustible conclusion. Daniel asks if they think he & Kane are a joke. Then Kane asks if they want to see something combust. Then Kane & Daniel suggest that they face Cody & Sandow tonight. Then Cody & Sandow walk off. Then Daniel tells Kane that they’re scared of him. Kane says they’re scared of him. Then they argue about who Cody & Sandow are scared of. This was a bit weaker than the other Kane-Daniel segments. Having them argue over everything is a bit much.

They reshow the finish of the Cena-Punk match from Night of Champions. They follow that up with the Punk-Heyman-Cena-referee segment from Raw. They also show clips of the Sheamus-Cena vs. Del Rio-Punk match.

Then Josh Mathews mentions that John Cena had surgery done to remove bone chips from his right elbow. He mentions that Dr. James Andrews said that everything went well and they wish Cena a speedy recovery. 

Brodus Clay vs. Heath Slater. Brodus wins by DQ when Jinder Mahal & Drew McIntyre come in. Drew, Jinder & Heath triple stomp Brodus. Then Drew & Jinder give Brodus a double suplex. Then Heath clotheslines him. Then Drew gives Brodus the Future Shock DDT. Jinder follows up by locking Brodus in a Camel Clutch. Then Slater taunts Brodus, telling him that he’s not so big now. Then they pose. This was decent. It was nice they remembered that Drew & Jinder are still with the company. Maybe this will be that start of some kind of push for these guys.

They show a graphic mentioning that Jerry Lawler will be in an exclusive interview from his home.

Santino Marella vs. U.S. Champion Antonio Cesaro. Santino gets the pin. Santino pulls out the “cobra”. Then Aksana gets on the ring apron and the “cobra” gets distracted. Cesaro capitalizes and rips the cobra sock off Santino’s hand. Then Aksana was trying to pick it up but she fell into the ring and was supposedly hurt. Cesaro lifted Santino up and gave him a mid air uppercut. Then he pinned Santino but the referee was checking on Aksana. Then Cesaro tells Aksana to get out of the ring. Then Santino rolled up Cesaro for the win. Afterwards Aksana sells the knee injury. Then Cesaro walks out of the ring with the belt and a mic. He tells Aksana the word he is thinking of in 5 languages. Cesaro says they’re finished. Then Cesaro walks up the ramp and Aksana is upset about it.

WWE Tag Team Champions Kane & Daniel Bryan vs. Damien Sandow & Cody Rhodes in a Lumberjack match. (The lumberjacks are The Usos, The Primetime Players and Justin Gabriel & Tyson Kidd). Kane & Daniel win by DQ when Cody hits Kane with a chair. Then Cody was going to hit Kane with the chair again but Daniel Bryan snatched it out of Cody’s hands. Then Kane gave Cody a throat thruster. Then Daniel got in the ring with the chair. He was going to hit Cody with it but he decided to let Kane use it. Then Kane hit Cody with the chair and Cody rolled out of the ring. Then Daniel got back in the ring with a chair too. Then Kane & Daniel smile at each other and they each take a turn at hitting Sandow in the back with the chairs. Then Kane turns to the other tag teams. They go to bail but Kane pulls The Usos by the hair and throws them in the ring. Then Daniel hits them both with the chair. Then the other teams jump Kane and a brawl starts outside the ring. Then Kane throws Titus O’Neil in the ring and Darren Young rolls in too. Then Kane throws Justin & Tyson in the ring also. They both hit them all with the chairs. Then Kane picks up the tag titles and lets Daniel take 1. Then they raise each others arms while holding a chair and a title belt in each hand. Then Kane’s pyro goes off as they stand over the fallen teams. Then Kane & Daniel argue again to end the show. The match wasn’t really much. This was all about furthering the Kane-Daniel Bryan storyline, which I thought they did a good job with. It’s too bad the other guys all got buried here though.

This week’s show was mostly about the Kane-Daniel Bryan story line but I thought this was a decent to solid show overall. Most of the Kane-Daniel Bryan segments were entertaining for the most part. The opening segment with Edge and the 2 of them was really funny. Edge’s line about Kane not being Barney the big red Dinosaur cracked me up! I liked that they had Sandow in there too. He was good as usual with his character. The main event tag match wasn’t much of a match. This was more about Kane & Daniel Bryan working together. I thought the end was good but it kind of was a shame to see 8 other guys get buried. Layla-Natalya wasn’t much. Santino-Cesaro was ok for what it was. I was ok with Cesaro ditching Aksana. Sheamus & Orton vs. Del Rio & Dolph was good too. Brodus-Slater wasn’t much of match either. This was about Slater, McIntyre & Mahal beating down Brodus. I’m hoping that McIntyre & Mahal get some TV time out of this and I hope they don’t have Brodus just flatten them all. Some of the backstage bits with Kane & Daniel Bryan were kind of hokey but they play the roles really well. So on the whole I thought this week’s show was decent.

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